Bruce Howe, Research Professor Research Professor, Ocean & Resources Engineering, University of Hawai'i at Manoa
Roger Lukas, Co-Principal Investigator, Physical Oceanography and Adaptive Sampling Professor of Oceanography, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawaii
Emmanuel Boss, Co-Principal Investigator, Bio-optics Associate Professor of Oceanography, School of Marine Sciences, University of Maine
Tim McGinnis, Project Manager and Engineer Senior Engineer, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington
Eric Boget, Field Work Field Engineer III, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington
Sharon DeCarlo, Adaptive Sampling Software and Data Management Computer Specialist, University of Hawaii
John Elliott, Software Engineering Electrical Engineer IV, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington
Jason Gobat, Mooring Design Engineer IV, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington
Mike Kenney, Software Engineering Oceanographer III, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington
Skip Kolve, Electrical Engineering Principal Electrical Engineer, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington
Jim Mercer, Connection to ALOHA Observatory Principal Physicist, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington
Vern Miller, Mooring Design and Mechanical Engineering Senior Mechanical Engineer, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington
Jack Miller, Profiler Specifications, Electrical Engineer Senior Mechanical Engineer, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington
Janet Olsonbaker, Website Manager Engineer/Manager, Multimedia Development, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington
Chris Siani, Electrical Engineering, Engineer Senior Mechanical Engineer, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington
Troy Tanner, Website Development Developer, Multimedia Development, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington
Tim Wen, Software Engineering, Senior Engineer Senior Mechanical Engineer, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington