9) |
Howe, B. M., N. Parrish, L. Tracy, A. Gray, Y. Chao, T. McGinnis, P. Arabshahi, and S. Roy, "A Smart Sensor Web for Ocean Observation: Integrated Acoustics, Satellite Networking, and Predictive Modeling," 2008 NASA Science Technology Conference (NSTC2008), University of Maryland, 24-26 June 2008 (5.1 MB PDF)

8) |
McGinnis, T., Henze, C. P., Conroy, K., "Inductive Power System for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles," Oceans 2007, 1-5, 29 September 2007 - 4 October 2007 (698 KB PDF)

7) |
Howe, B. M., P, Arabshahi, W. L. J. Fox, S. Roy, T. McGinnis, M. L. Boyd, A. Gray, and Yi Chao, "A Smart Sensor Web for Ocean Observation: System Design, Architecture, and Performance," 2007 NASA Science Technology Conference (NSTC2007), University of Maryland, 19-21 June 2007 (2,024 KB PDF)

6) |
Howe, B. M., T. McGinnis, and M.L. Boyd, "Sensor Network Infrastructure: Moorings, Mobile Platforms, and Integrated Acoustics," Symposium on Underwater Technology 2007 and Proceedings, Workshop on Scientific Use of Submarine Cables & Related Technologies 2007, University of Tokyo, 17-20 April 2007 (485 KB PDF)

5) |
Howe, B. M., "Elements of Sensor Network Infrastructure: Moorings, Mobile Platforms and Integrated Acoustics," San Francisco, CA, December 2006 (59,912 KB PDF)

4) |
Howe, B. M., T. McGinnis, J. Gobat, "Moorings for Ocean Observatories: Continuous and Adaptive Sampling," Proceedings, the Scientific Submarine Cable 2006 Conference, 172-181, Marine Institute, Dublin Castle, Dublin, Ireland, 7-10 February 2006 (64 KB PDF)

3) |
Howe, B. M., T. McGinnis, J. Gobat, "Moorings for Ocean Observatories: Continuous, Adaptive Profiling," Poster, The Oceanography Society, 2005 International Ocean Research Conference, Paris, France, June 2005 (18,152 KB PDF)

2) |
Howe, B.M., T. McGinnis, "Sensor Networks for Cabled Ocean Observatories," Proceedings, 2004 International Symposium on Underwater Technology, 113-120, IEEE, 2004 (1,737 KB PDF)

1) |
Howe, B. M., T. McGinnis, "Sensor networks for cabled ocean observatories," Proceedings, the Scientific Submarine Cable 2003 Workshop, 216-221, University of Tokyo, 25-27 June 2003 (40 KB PDF)
